A sweet young man at Sovietsk Orphanage named Lonya (short for Leonid) is in need of a new hearing aid. You can read more about Lonya here: sovietsksupporters.blogspot.com/2010/11/meet-lonya.html. He is 9 years old and growing up quickly.
Lonya is currently sharing a hearing aid and can only use it part time, so he is missing out on important school work. It's impacting his speech progress as well. We have also been working to get him more financial support for therapies, which is a work in progress.
We only need $1,250 to cover the cost of the hearing aids. Fortunately we have found a local sponsor for half of Lonya's hearing aid. Will you consider chipping in to help Lonya?
If you would like to give a tax-deductible donation to the fund online, please follow the steps below:
1. Go to www.hopechest.org
2. Click on the orange “Give” button (on the rightside of screen)
3. Click “Designated/Sponsorship: One Time Gift” & type the amount you would like to give in box below
4. Enter the orphanage number in “Reference Number”: RU0506000
5. Enter in the “Notes Field”: Medical
6. Then have the donor complete their contact & payment information.
Thank you so much for your care and love for these precious children, including little Lonya. Any amount you can give is appreciated. We are looking forward to sharing with you when Lonya receives his new hearing aids and is back to work!