Monday, March 23, 2009

May we introduce to you: Anna

There have recently been some changes at Sovietsk Orphanage in what HopeChest does there. Sadly, Lena is no longer the discipler. We really enjoyed the time we had with here there. But the good news is that we have a new discipler that we would like to introduce to you. Her name is Anna and she will soon graduate with a degree in linguistics from Vyatka State University in Kirov City. We have not formally met her yet (we will, though, in September when we visit), but from what she has told us about herself she sounds like a good fit for the role of discipler. She's very interested in social justice and helping people. And she also enjoys history, politics, and art. I think Sarah and I will get along very well with her.

I'd also like to take this chance to underscore the importance of the discipler in HopeChest's mission. They play an important role as a mentor to the kids and interpreter for us when we visit. They're quite literally the feet on the ground and we really couldn't do what we do without people like Anna. Likewise, if we didn't have the support of sponsors we wouldn't be able to have a discipler at Sovietsk. So, thank you to everyone who generously supports what HopeChest is doing.

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