Thursday, November 18, 2010

For me?

A charming bit of Russian culture is the giving of gifts. I'm not talking about giving gifts at birthdays and Christmas. We've experienced the tradition of giving gifts to your host or visitor as a show of gratitude. One of the special things we like to do for the kids when we visit is to take each of them a gift bag that is all their own. We like to give them things that are fun but also useful. Flashlights, stress balls, gel pens, stationary, lip balm, sugarless chewing gum... you get the idea. The kids who have been there awhile aren't surprised when we give them out, but they're still grateful. But I have them most fun giving them out to the new kids who've never gotten one before. When I handed the gift to one of the new boys he looked at me with big eyes and a tiny voice and said, "minya?" or "for me?" And I replied with a hearty, "da!" It's rare for these kids to have something to call their very own. We're not trying to make them into greedy Americanized consumers. We just want them to feel a little bit special.

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