While we saw a decline in sponsorship (which we are working hard to reverse) and giving, we have also engaged some new, enthusiastic donors (for whom we are so grateful!).
One gentlemen, who has been like family for years upon years, has taken it to heart to provide bikes for all of the kids of Sovietsk. He heard how the bikes help kids get to school, get out in the community, and even get to work in some cases. This was important to him, but even more important was the idea that kids just need to be kids. He believes that kids deserve to play, to experience the freedom of zipping around on a bicycle. So he is working hard at funding bikes for all the kids!
To go a step further, in Russia, bikes work about half the year. The orphanage staff has asked him to consider skis as another option, since cross-country skis are not only useful transportation, but will allow the children to compete with other children throughout the winter.
The donor's response? Skis, bikes, wagons, whatever makes the children feel loved.
Can you help us out? We've purchased bikes and skis before, but not enough for the entire orphanage. And when we're talking 34 kids, ages 7-18, there is a lot of need to make sure every child gets a chance.
We're waiting to hear just how much we need to raise to cover all these kids. If you are interested, visit http://www.hopechest.org/ and click Give. Please enter "Sovietsk fund" or "Sovietsk Bikes and Skis" in the notes section.
Thank you for continuing to love our kids!
And Happy New Year!
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