Friday, May 15, 2009

English lessons

We're in the midst of trying to raise support for a year's worth of English lessons for the kids at Sovietsk. During our most recent visit, Katya told us that she wants to learn to speak English so that when she grows up she can be a translator. We realized that she probably came to this conclusion because she really looks up to her discipler, who also serves as our translator. This is not a far fetched goal. There is a young lady working for Nadezhda Fund (the Russian arm of Children's HopeChest) as a translator who is also an orphanage graduate. Because she took English lessons at the orphanage and proved proficient at the language she was able to continue studying at university, eventually earning a college degree. That is not something that many kids in her situation are able to do for myriad reasons, but we want to give them options and opportunities. English lessons can make the future wide open for the kids through employment, education, and confidence.

$43 pays for a week of English lessons for all 29 children at Sovietsk Orphanage! We already have two weeks paid for, but we need more. Please consider helping us meet our goal. If you look to the right hand column on this web page you will see a badge through which you can donate for a year of English lessons. It's really easy to do.

Please designate funds towards Sovietsk English Lessons. Thank you!

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